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Bee Wild Designs

Hello, my name is Hannah and this is my business @beewild_designs which I began after some crafty Sundays in August, creating cards for all occasions using a combination of line drawings and real pressed flowers that last forever!

It is delicate work and each card is lovingly handmade and can be personalised with calligraphy! I also offer bespoke commissions such as house and family portraits which have proven lovely gifts!

I am an actor based in London but prior to Covid I was working at the Hope Mill, and before that Southwark Playhouse and Regents Park after Graduating in 2019. Being away from theatre, this business has been a creative haven and I’ve filled my Lockdowns foraging for Wild flowers! #findmeinafieldofflowers

Please go to @beeWild_designs to explore more of my work!


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